Type in your adjacency lists (and optionally, vertex labels) in the input below, and click Draw Graph. The default graph (if you leave the boxes blank) has 10 vertices and 15 edges. What graph is the default graph isomorphic to? (Answer.) The suggested graph (based on the input boxes) is .

Adjacency Lists
Vertex Labels

Graph 0/0

For further graph-drawing models, see here.

You can't use LaTeX code in the labels. Even though MathJax is used on this page, it doesn't play nice with drawing text in d3. It's probably best to create a figure using TikZ if using more complicated labels is necessary (like or something). The vertex positions are printed to assist you with this task.

Note that the result will not be unique. The algorithm used (Fruchterman-Reingold) searches for a local minimum, and is quite unlikely to find an absolute minimum. In fact, you can repeatedly click Draw Graph and watch the graph dance around.

Note that this algorithm won't usually find the typical drawing for the default graph (star inside a pentagon) because it's finding a local minimum, but about a month after creating an earlier iteration of this page, I did discover that drawing can be computed using Fruchterman-Reingold. I probably drew the graph hundreds of times over that month before the "nice" drawing came out. See here for proof. I don't know if the total energy of that layout is lower than that of the typical layouts FR computes. It would be interesting to look into this, and to think about how to bias the initial positions to get these more aesthetic drawings.